The Pilgrims Progress - Cornerstone Church Kingston
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The Pilgrims Progress

Pete, Tom, Ben and Rory unpack Pilgrim’s Progress, one of the best selling books in history, written by John Bunyan.

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#14 Vanity Fair

Tom, Pete and Rory follow Christian and Faithful as they travel through Vanity Fair and expose its lifestyle by their gospel witness.

Transcript (Auto-generated)

Welcome to the Cornerstone Church Podcast.

Thanks for tuning in for another episode.

We are working our way still through the Pilgrim's progress.

And if you caught up last time.

We were, looking at the the long conversation between Christian and faithful and talkative who who talked the good talk but, had no real work of grace in his heart and no understanding and no desire to really understand that the true gospel.

But it took them a while to see through his his chat and his patter.

But, eventually they did And, so he's been left behind, as as have many others now that they've met on the road.

And, now we're coming to this famous scene where Christian and faithful are gonna make their way through Vanity Fair.

And this is a place that they cannot avoid.

So, the road to the celestial city, which is which is heaven, passes directly through this town.

And so if they wanna get there, they have to go through here.

And, it's, it's extraordinary as we'll see in a minute.

But they after they they carry on, don't they? So talkative girls, they carry on and then they bump into an old friend.

Evangelist comes and and basically tells them they have to go through Vanity Fair.


They're encouraged to see him, obviously, because he's the 1 that's pointed them on on the on the right road.

And, so they love him and there's fellowship there, but he does say that you've gotta go through Vanity Fair.

He even says that, you know, the son of god had to go through Vanity Fair, and he talks about when Jesus went through Vanity Fair, it was Beelzebar, you know, the chief of demons, satan himself was there tempting him and trying to get him to taste the various, vanities in Vanity Fair.

So if he went through that.

You've got to go through that.


And evangelist and and that even that for him to say that is a sign that he's the real deal because the other people that we've met along the road, either either either promise roots to heaven, which won't involve suffering.

So if you go off this way or if you do this, you can avoid all these difficulties or they tend to be running back the other way, don't they? Because they've gone and they've met with some difficulty and they think this is just not worth it and they go back.

Whereas evangelists keep saying, look, you've got to keep going and that will involve difficulties.

But he he even says at least 1 of you will die there.


So there's a sort of prophecy, you know, prophecy that some Christians die in Vanity Fair.

And but it's funny because they come back to that, don't they? That that that prophecy, is is 1 of the things that helps them when they're going through suffering, in Vanity Fair, and they look back to that word that that sort of gives them courage and also, helps them realize they are on the right path, which is which is interesting, isn't it? So the false you know, everything will be easy for you.

It's gonna be the thing that's going to cause you great difficulty if you're going through trouble.

But if you've been promised trouble and there's promised, that some Christians will die in Vanity Fair, then, But, you know, the promise is also big, isn't it? You will die, but you will you will get to the celestial city.


1st as it were or quickly, you know.


And and the advantage of that is that you then don't you're spared the rest of the miseries of this world.


So Whereas, yes, you may have have a painful end, but you're gonna not have to experience all the other things that the other person will have to if they keep on going in this world.

So they come to Vanity Fair.


And Vanity, what yeah.


Because that's a strange word, isn't it? You know, what's what's it mean? Well, I think in the so in the book of Ecclesiastes, when you have Vanity vanity, all is vanity.

The the the Hebrew word that translated vanity has has to do with a kind of gust of wind or a puff of air, doesn't it? So, I think it's it involves it's both temporary and it's light in substance.


So, yeah, it's not not here for long, it's not it's not weighty.

So these are just like it's like the candy floss of the world.

It's light.

It's got a superficial sweetness it tastes okay for a second, but then it's dissolved and it's gone.

You have things like vanity cases, don't you? We're we're it's all about makeup and putting stuff on.

It's the superficial outside sort of Yeah.

Glamour and glitz, isn't it? Yeah.

And if you call someone vain, you're saying, there's, I mean, you're you're into your appearance.


But you don't care for the deeper things of character and It's it's it's an emptiness future out of the futility, really.

It's, I think the breath, you know, the mist is here.

1 second it's gone the next.

It's so fleeting.

And worthless.

That's what he talks about here.

All that is sold there and all who come there are worthless.

So that's Pretty good summary, isn't it? Yeah.

So they go through the gates, is it, or the arch or something? Or, I can't remember.

And and what do they encounter straight away? Do they encounter any 1 thing, or is it a general fear like it.

Well, it's probably it's probably worth saying, sorry, you know, that that that this has been set up by Beelzebull, that, the devil.

And as you say, as you said before, you you have to go through this if you're going to get to the fluorescent city, but this is 5000 years old.

In other words, what he's saying is, you know, it's always been around.

And that sells all sorts of things.

Right? Everything that you would possibly want houses, land, trades, places on as it goes on and on and on.

Kingdom's lost.

Pleasures, delights, husbands, children, blood.

It's a strange thing to put in for butter.


Sales blood.

Bodies, souls, silver gold pelts, precious stones much more.


It's just like being on Amazon, isn't it? It's just everything that you could possibly want.

Any any market price.





It's any person's desire can be fulfilled in this in this sort of vanity fair.

You want any amusement.

We've got it here.

You want, any vices.

You've got it here.

You know, you've got murders, adulteries, purgies, and they're all a different shade of blood, red color.


So he he he's really painting this and it and then he looks at the streets.

So you've got everything that you want, and then it re then you realize this is from all the kingdoms of the world.


So it's really interesting.

That's what you've got here in the Kingdom.


Because the streets are called roads.


You know, roads or whatever.

And and, you know, there's German roads and British road and, and all kinds of different kingdoms.


And and that's and that's what Beelzebull, took Jesus too, didn't they? And said Jesus could be ruler of all these worlds, of all of this this, fun and stuff.

So it's interesting, isn't it? It's because I I it's, as you say, it's sort of every it it's anything you want it to be, isn't it? So if you're into you know, just just the the, I don't know, the more traditional throwaway since Like, if you if you wanna throw your life away and drink and gambling and sex, then you can do that.

But but oddly enough, I mean, it says here, isn't it? That the, but as in other fares, some 1 commodity is as the chief of all the fair so the wear of Rome and her merchandise is greatly promoted in this fair.


So presumably by that he means Roman Catholicism.


Does he? And so if you wanna go the religious route So there's a place for you in Vanity Fair as well, isn't there? So you might yes, exactly.

You can yeah.

You can go for anything you want providing it's not the genuine way.


And you pro and I mean that's why he's got these different rows in 1 sense.

You've got these different quarters like you often have court in in cities, don't you? And and you could have the religious people there that may not like, you know, the fun fair bit, but they're okay because they fit within the whole, you know, city itself, the whole town itself.

But they don't.

The pilgrims don't.

Because they follow after the the prince of princess Jesus.

So when when Jesus was shown, as you say, by by the devil, he refuses to buy it's goods.

He refuses to bow down.

So Pilgrim writes, but he paid no attention to the merchandise and therefore left the town without spending so much as 1 cent upon those upon these Valities.

And so just as the savior went before them, they follow in the footsteps of him.

And then yeah.

They walk in, they they walk in, and they stand out.


They're immediately recognized.

And, John Bunyan says there's a hub hub, a great hub hub around them.

And there's 2 main reasons that people are interested in.

Firstly, because they don't wear Yeah.

The clothes that everybody else wares.

So it becomes plain to the residents of Vanity Fair that they haven't bought their clothes.

Where other people in the town have bought their clothes, they're wearing an armor, a kind of just, you know, a spiritual suit.

They're dressed differently.

So they they stand out.

That's 1 thing, but also the way that they talk so Banyan says they speak the language of Kanan which is to say which is the promised land in the Bible.

So they speak god's language.

They talk about god talk differently.

And people are immediately picking that up.

And as you do, I mean, here in London, it's it's very very common to be on the train on the bus and hear 3, 4, 5 different languages.


And it's why we love why why we love London, but there are parts of the UK where if you heard another language on the bus, you would be like, it would be weird you'd stand out, and that's the sense here, isn't it? They don't They don't look right, they don't speak right, and so people are, there's a kind of bemused, like, who are, who are these, you know, isn't there, to start with? But there is a third 1, though, as well.

They're they're they're not interested in the merchandisers.





So it's they're not that taken in with the clip and the Yeah.

Well, not even just that they're not taking in.

They they actively try not to look at it.

So they Yeah.


It's brilliant.

They they don't even try and browse.

They put their fingers in their ears, and they cry.


Hit my eye from looking at vanity.

I don't wanna look at this stuff.

And so they put their eyes up in into things have happened.

They say we we we only trade and we only we only work with the things of glory, not with the things of this world.


Well, they're challenged.

Aren't they? Because of they they they're standing out.


They're, you know, they're they're, they're, they're looking different making different, not buying the the gear.


There's this 1, this 1 man here, you know, beholding the carriage of the men.

Says to them, what will ye buy? Yes.

How are you imagining it's sort of like a Phil Mitchell sort of What will you buy him? Well, it well, it's it's it's it's original version here.

It's it's looking gravely upon him.



Uh-uh Christian answered, we buy the truth.


Now, as soon I mean, you could say if you say that today, almost, almost that's you know, gonna get the same reaction, is that we buy the truth people are furious that you would claim to have the truth, are they? Yeah.

And that's what happens.


They're taunting.

It's sort of pompous, isn't it? We buy the truth.

You know, it's like you can imagine them mocking it, you know.

It's a sort of sanctimonious individual who thinks they're better and different and, So they they don't like that very much.

And so what happens then, Well, word gets to the governor of the fair.


He comes down to investigate and, and, they they then put them under charge, eventually.

And what's the essential nature of the charge? Is it that they're just with Elliot, isn't it? The Well, the the causing of disturbance.


It's disturbance of the peace, by your by your power, you know, by by what you're aware and how you're speaking and not buying into it.

I mean, I think that is very that's so brilliant of Bunion because people, don't just want you to say, it's you can do what you like.

I'm not doing it.

They want you you have to affirm them, don't you? You do do you genuinely get that.

You know, and and and particularly in our country today, if you're not affirming, if you don't have a rainbow flag in your window if you're not affirming a lifestyle that you may not criticize.

You're just you're just getting on with life, then you're you're not affirming means that you are an enemy.


And that's terrible, isn't it? Yeah.


It's like, it reminds me a bit of when during lockdown when we had the Thursday night clapping for the Yes.


British work as you had to come out every night at 8 o'clock or whatever.

And if your neighbor was an owl Yeah.

It was sort of like, you know, you, everyone would be thinking, you know, what what are they doing? I know they're in.

Right? And there was this judging wasn't there that you, you know, you know, if you weren't out doing it as well, you were a wicked person, you know, and you hated the NHS.

And so that you're, you're right.

You know, it's not enough just to and which is remarkable, really, because we live in a culture which says, you know, we want everyone be free to believe their own truth and so forth.

But, if you don't join in with the general consensus of the world and use the language of the world, and buy into it, then you're you're not welcome, actually.


You you're free to, you're free to believe any truth in the world as long as it's our truth.

It's because they don't they don't buy this.

They're they're then called mean, again, sorry, in the original here, they're bedlams and mad.

So a bedlam is someone who went to the bedlam hospital.

In other words, they're a lunatic.

So you you there's something seriously wrong with people like you if you're not buying into what we what we believe.


And but then then the persecution really comes because they take them.

They beat them.

They they're smearing dirt in their faces, and then they put them in a in a cage.

But the remarkable thing is that in the in the face of those persecutions, the actions of the pilgrims is is completely the opposite.

Whereas, whereas they're being, spoken ill off and where they're being laughed at.

They actually are patient.

They don't return abuse for abuse.

They offer blessing and good words when when giving bad words.

So just an amazing, example of of Christ like living.

In the in the face of persecution, they they do as Christ did, who didn't when he was abused, didn't didn't retaliate.

And so they are similar to the lord Jesus in a way that they they respond to their persecuted users.

And that enrages them, doesn't it? Yeah.

Because they then go on to hang them up in irons and put them in a cage as an example for everybody in the Fair to see.

So it's a very humiliating punishment, isn't it? And yet, even in the face of that, they continue to offer blessing in the face of curse.

And, they're not really mysterious, you know.


So they absolutely do the the well, they're strong in the sense that they're offering blessing in the face of persecution, which is the Christian way of life, isn't it? Which turns the whole power thing upside down and everything.

Because they're they're powerful in 1 sense because, they're in control of their own emotions.

But they're not weak.

They're not weak in in saying, what is right and wrong.

Now, and in 1 sense, the the the Bo Boenya calls them meek.

They have meekness but meekness isn't weakness necessarily.

It's it's as it's that word of sort of strength under control.


And they they, yes, they could easily retaliate for life, but there is something quite powerful about restraining the natural desire to strike back.

And I think they are stronger in such a different way.

The patience and, the forgiving nature that they they show is is otherworldly, really.

And that meekness and patience, as as we've said, but it it says here, this puts people into into greater rage in so much that they concluded death for these 2 men.

I mean, they haven't even been put on trial yet, So there's no, there's no justice, no trial, no, nothing seriously happening.

It it it's just an accusation, but, and then man comes along.

They're putting a cage that this is this is atrocious, isn't it? Yeah.

And they want them.

They, as you say, they conclude that death is now the only option here.

Because for the abuse that they had done and for deluding the men of the fair, which is a really interesting charge, isn't it? The the way they've lived and the way they speak and their refusal to partake in the vanities is causing a confusion.

People are are being diluted by this or Well, well, because what's happening is, although the actions and the speech and their clothes are enraging some, probably because there's exposing them.

Others see how they're treated and how they respond in that treatment.

And they're they're thinking, oh, hold on.

These guy, these these blokes are UNison.

And so it starts to turn some people in the fair to think actually, are we living for the wrong things? Yeah.


And the religious leaders is interesting, like, both with Jesus and and with the book of acts.


You know, when great miracles done, they often get together and they say, you know, that a great miracle has been done, we cannot deny, you know.

But we've got to forbid them from speaking in this name because many people are going after them.


You know, so that's what's going on here.

They they they can't deny, as you say, the character witness of these people, but they gotta shut them down because people are getting interested, you know, and they can't have that.



So they grab them and take them, and they're going to now put them through, what what would be called a kangaroo court.

It's a sort of false court.

Court, isn't it? They have they have to pretend justice.


Well, that is all that always gets me.

And you you you get this everywhere, don't you? That you've got, you know, like the Nazis, you know, they they have to sort of protect have to write down you know, numbers and a Jewish name that they're going to kill kill someone.

And and it's a very old thing, isn't it? And the communists when they did that with starsy and all of that stuff.

There's sort of a pretend of justice and writing things down and you think, why don't you just kill them? What what is that? Yeah.

That's quite just that's quite interesting because surely it's to say that what we're doing is right.

So they're justifying themselves.

And so by doing those things, they then say, actually, we've decided what's right where the judges So even in that evil.



Just even in that evil Yeah.

That they're doing, there's there's an imprint of god in them, isn't there? That they're they're denying by their evil.

But the idea that you want to pretend to have just Yeah.

Can only come from god come.



Now, I was just gonna say that, you know, a modern example that is is, I think, is somewhat, somewhat similar is.

Is the way that the the media, you know, have have treated Russell Brand, I think, at the moment.

Because, you know, no one's defending him there's some nasty stuff that has gone on, and people that have been abused and so on, but it's just interesting, isn't it that like before so he he hasn't even been found guilty.

He hasn't even been legally charged with anything yet.

And yet, his material is all pulled down.

He's completely canceled.

He can't make money or fairly fee.

It's all it's all taken.

And he's he's basically scrubbed, doesn't he? But already.

Now, it may turn out that that's fair enough, but it's interesting the the power of the media to to to bring forward judgement day, isn't it? And to and to rush or to rush a verdict to plot somebody when actually a foundational principle has always been, you know, you need a fair trial.

Like, we need to have a proper charge.

People are given the chance to defend themselves and to be heard.

And, you know, And so I think I think that's, you know, that's that's, you know, we we see that going on here, don't we? There, you know, there's there's a there's a concern for justice apparently, but really they're not gonna not gonna give it a fair go.

The names of the judges and jury and are just classic, Bunyan, all that.

So the judge is called lord hate good.

I mean, they're all men here.


But they would have been in in in Bunnies today, you wouldn't have had a woman.

I don't think on on a on a jewelry or or a or a job but hate good.


And then the the 3, witnesses or so called witnesses are called envy superstition and pigthank.

And pigthank meant, what it, what it mean again? It's it's some wanting, flattery.



It's wanting flattery sort of picking out for for for them to be thanked.


Yes, it's a sycophantic sort of character who will basically say whatever they need say in the company that they're in to be sort of lighted in.

On the back.

On the back.



I'm sorry.

Who who were they again? There was it's pig tank.

Envy and superstition.

I've I've got a copy of the book here with a little picture of Super and he's sort of looking very nervous, you know.

He's everything's a conspiracy, you know.


So Okay.

So, so then what the charges are made.

Is that right? These these, these witnesses are giving sure.

They're gonna they're gonna swear they're oath in before they do anything because they're so concerned about justice.

And and then envy is the first 1 to to stand up and to bear witness against, faithful, particularly, has been put on trial here.

And, he he he is saying that actually, the the fact that the way he lives, the way he speaks is calling to question the customs of of the too fair.


I mean, MB's interesting as well because he his 1 of his big problems is that, These pilgrims seem to believe that Christianity and the customs of Vanity Fair are diametrically opposite and cannot be reconciled.

So, I mean, and that's a fascinating comment, isn't it? That, it's not that they're completely against Christianity.

I mean, they are, but they don't want to believe that they are.

They wanna be, they want to sort of believe that, you know, everyone is welcome here in Vanity Fair.

And actually, we don't need to be so exclusive.

And you can be a Christian and live here and partake of all these divides.

We've got loads of Christians living here, you know.

But the fact that the pilgrims you know, won't just walk the right way.

They have to condemn what's going on around them as unfaithful.

That is really what they hate, you know, and have to sort of bring, Jesus in or Christianity in as this this is part of the flow of what they believe.


Because they don't wanna be going against Jesus if you like, so they've gotta make Jesus 1 of us.


And it's 1 of the things you hear sometimes when you're talking to Muslim, you know, you know, when we've done so at the university and then in other contexts.

1 of the things they'll say, if Either if they don't know he's not very well or if they're just trying to be friendly, they'll say, yeah, you know, we believe in Jesus too.


We we we, you know, we love Jesus.

Jesus is 1 of our prophets.

And they're sort of desperate to show that it's really the same thing and that I'm actually almost a Muslim, really, if I would just see that, you know, And then the Christian, and you, you know, from very soon after you're converted, you you you can't accept that.

You have to sort of say, well, I know you've got a Jesus, but it's not it's not real Jesus, is it? Because Jesus said this and you don't believe that and you have to and that's the bit you know, it's not that you believe in Jesus, it's the problem, it's that you have to separate your Jesus from everything else, you know, or or or the the the liberal way, isn't it? It's to have a a Jesus that wouldn't condemn us.

And No.

Wants us to know life and wants us to enjoy ourselves.


You know, they they they would go that way.


So when you get superstitions called in, Yeah.

What's his big thing? Well, super station just starts brilliantly.

My lord, I am not friends with this man, nor do I have any desire to know him better.

But his his problem is that, faithful is essentially saying that their religion is worthless that they can't please god, by the way they live and actually in the end, they're deserving of damnation.


Which is offensive.

To him.

And, Yeah.

And then there's pick, thank, who you can tell, he's a flattering, because the others say my lord, but he adds my lord and you gentlemen all.


And then he goes on to say they have spoken contemptibly of of the honourable friends whose names are, you know, and, so he wants to, you know, he wants to pretend to be speaking well of everybody.

But, and then the honorable friends are worth just mentioning.



Because there's lord, old man.

There's lord design rules.


What's wrong with that? Lord.

Oh, over the old self.

Oh, yeah.


And there's no disrespect.

Lord Econnell delight.

That's lord luxurious.

There's lord desire of a glory.

And my lord lecturing.

I mean, that's my old lord lecturing.

Oh, yes.

My old lord lecturing has to be an old lord.

And then there's still having greed.


I mean, they're just they're just terrific, really.

But, you know, He's he's, as you say, he's pigfanked toward the Disney.

He he wants them all to be generous towards him.

And yeah, I mean they're awful.


And this is what, again, the pharisees, you know, this is these are they go all of these different routes So, you know, and actually in the stoning of Stephen, it's quite interesting, you know, in acts where they How do they get him? They they they sort of recruits some false witnesses to say that Stephen has spoken ill of Moses.

Which is exactly the thing here.

He's saying, my lord, these guys have spoken ill of your friends, you know, the people you claim to love.

So they that you know, it's that sort of thing going on, isn't it? And so then, what are the judge? He's heard enough, is he? I was faithful to speak after come a few choice words, heretic and traitor and contemptible good for nothing, vagrant but then he allows him to to make a defense of himself to which he does.

It says it says vile Runigate here.

Not renegade, but Runade.

I think that's the vagrant word, isn't it? Yeah.


I don't know.

But, faithful this is why he's he's no he's no pushover, is he? No.

He he answers, truly, the the accusations.

He's not just gonna lie down and allow the accusations.

And he just says they're untrue.

These are untrue.

These are exaggerations and and untrue.

That's basically sort of how it goes, I think.

Whilst still saying look, I I'm a follower of the gospel of Christ, really.

So, look, in 1 sense, they're not wrong, but I'm just following the the way of the lord.

And it's good, isn't it? Because it's a it's a very wise answer because he he takes the personal sting out of it.

So he's basically saying, look, I the only things I've spoken against are those which are flatly against the word of god.


That's what I will speak again.

You're trying to make it.

I've spoken against a lot of lecturing and I've spoken against.

I'm not really interested in speaking it.

It's any 1 particular person, but what is flatly against the word of god that I will stand against.


So he's very carefully navigated that, hasn't but he's he is still a little bit in kinda in your face because he says I must still say that the prince of this town with all the rioters crowd of low people and tenants, which were named by Mister Picthang.

So all your old lord lectry are more fit for being in hell than in this town and country.

I said the lord have mercy upon me.

So he's not he's, you know, I'm I'm gonna be answer.

I'm gonna answer honestly, but I will tell you what I think is gonna happen.


And Absolutely.

And so, you know, that's what that's what it says, doesn't it? Yeah.

And and Jesus says that you'll be given power when you're under trial to be able to testify to to me.


And he he he does that in that in that way.

So he's not I think that's the thing.

It's not a pushover.

I mean, in fact, it's incredible.


Given the circumstances.

And so then the matter is turned over to the jury.

I've got a picture of them here as well.

I mean, honestly, if you were facing them in the court, you'd be pretty worried they do not look like a very It's great.

It's it's great as well because the the judge the judge says, let me just remind you for 3 decrees and he'd get Poisafeiro to nebuchanese.

Good Darius.


The great ones who who wanted them to bow down to them.



And wanted to worship their gods.

And so they were fundamentally against god.

You were very pleased with me.

And the names of the jury members, again, they're all men because they would have been Bonnie's Day, but it's Mister Blindman.

And, I mean, he says things like I I see clearly.

I mean, this is brilliant.


No Good, Mr.

Mallis, Mr.

Lovelas, Mr.

Livy, Mr.

High Mine, Mr.


The team, Mr.

Li and Mr.

Hateley and Mr.



Sorry, what we did in mean again? Well, impossible to placate which means once they're set in their ways Yes.


And they've made their mind up, you cannot gain their favor.

You can sort of change their mind.

You you cannot make them sort of warm towards you.

They're against you and that's it and this lady's not fraternity.


Is that Yeah.


So Brian Nancy's clearly that he's a heritage this man.

So he's not he's not just wrong.

He's a heritage then mister Nogoods, you know, says take this fellow away, from the earth.

Mister malice is, I hate very look at it.


And so it goes through the Those mister heady says, hang him.

Hang him.

He's just caught up in the heady just at the moment.

Well, I love mister Lively as well, because I think he shows really the heart of the mall.

It's not, you know, he he wants him gone away with as well for he would always be condemning my lifestyle.





That's not really what we're talking about, mate, but thanks for that.


That shows.



So, you've got it.

I'm missing plaqueable.

If I were to be given the whole world still, I could not be reconciled to him.

Therefore I say we deliver our verdict and find them guilty and deserving of death.

So there's no no grace here for faithful from this this jury.


And that and and so they decide to kill faithful, and it's, you know, it's pretty awful, isn't it? Mhmm.

But there's no oh, it's interesting, isn't it? Cause there's no real high justice than their sense of, being disalvered, or or being hit, isn't it? Yes.

You you've upset me.

Therefore, therefore you must be wrong.


So they've got nothing bigger than themselves in that sense to to apply.


And then what happens? Well, they, they, they bring him out, and they, yeah, and they they launch his flesh with knives and they, you know, tear chunks of skin off him.

Really, they stoning with stones, stabbing with swords, and then burning to ashes at the stake.

And, thus faithful came to his end.

So, you know, it's they, they, they, as well.

So it implies this is like it's like hyenas, isn't it? It's just all taking turns on a on a on a victim and, yeah, it's pretty there's there's no kind of you know, lethal injection.

You know, if you if we're gonna kill him, let's at least make it as humane as we can.

They want it to be as drawn out and as extended and as horrible as it can be, which is what evangelist did say.

This is gonna be a it's gonna be a nasty death.

But that's it's that the sense is he came to his earthly end.


He's not finished.

His faithful.

That that sort of weight in there for him is is carriage your weights.

As soon as he executes these taking the most direct route to the celestial to the celestial gate.

And then Christians Christians released by the by the sovereign hand of the lord who who's worked through obviously the evil man, he allows Christian to go.

And as Christian goes, he says, well, faithful, you have faithfully professed unto your lords with whom you will be blessed.

When faithless ones with all their worthless delights are crying out under their hellish plates, sing, faithful sing, and let your name survive.

For there, they have killed you yet you are alive.

And so wonderful.

Is that? It's such a lovely end to the, to the whole scene, really, that Yeah.

You may kill the body that you will not actually kill the Christian.


And faithful goes on to live in the in the sort of presence of his lord.

Again, it reminds me, I mean, I read it recently.

That's why the stoning of Stephen, you know, when it comes to his death, and they, you know, he looks up and he sees the son of man, you know, in heaven, and he prays Jesus have mercy on them, and then he falls asleep, you know, and it uses that phrase, then he fell asleep.

That's what's happened to Fatable, isn't it? He's fallen asleep in the lord.

And it's just amazing how quickly it moves, really, isn't it? And how or it just started with them wanting to, you know, keep their heads down in a sense and just walk through and get on with following the lord and just not not wanting to buy the stuff, and then you just it's snowballs, doesn't it? And, you know, it's all of a sudden you've lost your life just for that what was quite a sort of humble head down sort of witness.

If you won't give up on it, you know, that's where it'll take you.

That happens in around the world, doesn't it? Too many, many Christians? I I I I mean, I just like as well that that the idea that god is you know, he's the 1 in control, both a faithful and Christian.


And, it wasn't that Christian was less faithful than faithful.


But god had the plan to, somehow allow him to be released and faithful to be taken It doesn't say much more about that, does it? I mean, that's quite interesting.

We we we go on because I I I think if I'm 1 of Christian's companions is is someone who's converted Yeah.

From from this death, isn't it? Yeah.


It's it's come I think it's hopeful isn't it? So if I'm right, but, you know, we we go on and there there's been a conversion from this.


Which which is isn't the brother of the martyrs.

It's the seed of the church.

Isn't it? Yeah.


Is that are we enough for that 1? Yeah.

Well, amazing.

So so Christian, we leave Christian at the end of this sowed, and the lord in this sovereignty has saved him from this fate, and has made a way for him to escape.

And so we're gonna pick up the story next time.

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