Sermon – No one ever spoke like this man! (John 7:37-52) – Cornerstone Church Kingston
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The Gospel According to Jesus' Enemies

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No one ever spoke like this man!

Tom Sweatman, John 7:37-52, 16 June 2024

In this second instalment in our new series ‘The Gospel according to Jesus’ enemies’, Tom preaches from John 7:37-52. In this passage we see opposition to Jesus from the Jewish leaders, and their command to the temple guards to have Jesus arrested. However, the guards aren’t able to! We see the guard’s reason for not arresting Jesus, the Jewish leaders’ reaction, and what it all means for us today.

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John 7:37-52

37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” 39 Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

40 When they heard these words, some of the people said, “This really is the Prophet.” 41 Others said, “This is the Christ.” But some said, “Is the Christ to come from Galilee? 42 Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David, and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David was?” 43 So there was a division among the people over him. 44 Some of them wanted to arrest him, but no one laid hands on him.

45 The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, “Why did you not bring him?” 46 The officers answered, “No one ever spoke like this man!” 47 The Pharisees answered them, “Have you also been deceived? 48 Have any of the authorities or the Pharisees believed in him? 49 But this crowd that does not know the law is accursed.” 50 Nicodemus, who had gone to him before, and who was one of them, said to them, 51 “Does our law judge a man without first giving him a hearing and learning what he does?” 52 They replied, “Are you from Galilee too? Search and see that no prophet arises from Galilee.”


Transcript (Auto-generated)

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So John chapter 7, and starting at verse 37. On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.

Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, Rivers of living water will flow from within them. By this, he meant the spirits whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time, the spirit had not been given since Jesus had not yet been glorified. On hearing his words, something that people said, surely, this man is the prophet. Others said, he's the Messiah.

Siller has asked, how can the Messiah come from galilee? Does not scripture say that the Messiah will come from David's descendants and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived. Thus, the people were divided because of Jesus. Some wanted to seize him, but no 1 laid a hand on him. Finally, the temple guards went back to the chief priest and the pharisees who asked them, why didn't you bring him in?

No 1 ever spoke the way this man does. The guards replied. Do you mean he has deceived you also? The pharisees retorted? Have any of the rulers or of the pharisees believed in him?

No. But this mob that knows nothing of the law, there is a curse on them. Nikodemus, who had gone to Jesus earlier, and who was 1 of their own number asked, does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he has been doing? They replied for you from Galloway to look into it and you will find as a prophet does not come out of galilee. Alright.

Thanks, Rory. Good evening, everybody. Nice to be with you. My name's Tom. I'm 1 of the pastors here.

If we haven't had a chance to meet already, It really would be helpful if you could keep the whole of John 7 open in front of you. We just read a little portion of it at the end, but it flows from what's happened in John 7. And if you weren't here last week, we began this new series called the gospel according to Christ's enemies, unintended statements of saving truth. That's the title and the subtitle and so we're looking at people in the gospels, who were not disciples of the lord Jesus Christ, at all and yet they said things to him or about him, which proved to be much truer than they even knew or understood or realized at the time. And tonight, we are looking not at the pharisees and the leaders at the end, but at the temple guards in verse 46 and their confession no 1 ever spoke the way this man does.

And I have to say full disclosure at the beginning. I'm not at all convinced that these people are actually enemies of the lord Jesus based on that statement alone. And so what we're going to do is sort of to consider, this from both sides, to make the case why they might not be and why they might very well be And, hopefully in doing that, there'll be lots of useful things for us, for us all to learn. So let's bow our heads and, ask for the lord's help. Lord Jesus, we thank you for this wonderful invitation that all who are thirsty must simply come to you, and they will be saved, and they will be satisfied.

And in their hearts, the Holy Spirit will take up residence, and that spirit will be as living streams of water, which gives life and health to us and flows out from us to the world around and what a wonderful invitation that is, how marvelous it must have been, to hear you proclaim. Those words for the first time in this crowded festival setting. And we pray that as we look at this story this evening and what the lord Jesus said and the reactions to it that you would help us to to learn lots about our savior, not merely just to be impressed by him, but to be changed by him. We pray in Jesus' name. Our men.

Well, John chapter 7, if if you know it, really is a an amazing chapter. Because here we see the vulnerability of the man Christ Jesus alongside the absolute sovereignty of the god man Christ Jesus. That's what we find in John 7. The setting here is the feast of tabernacles. And this was a time when god's people would get together to remember how their lord had provided for them in the wilderness all those years ago.

And so you've got to remember and you've got to imagine that Jerusalem at this time would have been extremely busy. There would be thousands and thousands of religious pilgrims who had made their way to Jerusalem in order to remember this particular festival. So it's a busy time of year. It's a noisy time of year. There's a lot of people in town.

And as you can see from the reading, or maybe as you picked up, it's also a dangerous time of year for the lord Jesus Christ. From 1 angle, he is incredibly vulnerable in this chapter. In chapter 7 verse 1, we discover that the leaders now want him dead. Chapter 7 verse 7, we're told that the world hates him. In chapter 7 verse 12, we're told that many think that he is a liar in verse 20 We're told that something he's demon possessed.

In verse 32, we're told that some people want to arrest him. And so we've got to understand that in the minds of the leaders, this Jesus movement is a runaway train now. There are too many people listening to him. Too many people who are being impressed by him. Too many lives that are beginning to change as a result of what he's saying.

And so now the leaders are panicking, and they're getting together, and they're saying we've gotta do what we can as soon as we can in order to derail this Jesus train. But at the moment, that can't happen because of verse 30. If you look at verse 30, at this, some of the people tried to seize him, but no 1 laid a hand on him because his hour had not yet come. Now if you know John's gospel, that phrase will be familiar to you. The hour of the lord Jesus Christ refers to his Easter mission.

It refers to the cross where he would give himself in suffering for the sins of his people, where the lord Jesus would shed his own blood in order to purchase his bride's church. When on Easter Sunday, he would then be raised from the dead as the new Adam the 1 who had defeated death forever for all of god's people. It refers to the hour of his ascension when he would return back to the father and sit at the right hand as king and god and lord forever. Basically, everything that was required to save god's people forever was accomplished in that hour. It's part of that hour.

And here we discover that until the lord Jesus Christ is ready for that hour, people can plot and they can scheme as hard as they like, but they will not be able to take him. 1 second before he's willing to go. See that in verse 30, no 1 laid a hand on him. Why? Why couldn't they lay a hand on him?

What does the tech say? Because his hour had not yet come. You see the sovereignty of the god man. It's there again in verse 32 and verse 33. I think this is 1 of the most striking verses of this chapter.

The chief priests and the pharisees sent temple guards to arrest him. So here the mission begins. Jesus said, I am with you for only a short time. And then I'm going to the 1 who sent me. Who's in charge here?

There in the corner, we've got these temple police officers with their handcuffs ready to get Jesus and take him in. And what does Jesus do? He stands up and he reminds everybody that the universe is only set to 1 watch. And that's his watch. Remarkable, isn't it?

They're they're ready to arrest him. He stands up and says, just a little wildfellas, just a little wildlife, and then I'll go. On my own accord. You see the sovereignty of the god man Jesus Christ. And so when the officers return in 45, and they're asked the question of the evening.

Why didn't you bring him in? What would be the truest and deepest answer to that question? Why didn't you bring him in? Why couldn't you bring him in? Because his hour.

Had not yet come. But the answer that they give is not that. The answer that they give is in verse 46. Why didn't you bring him in? The guards replied, no 1 ever spoke the way this man does.

They couldn't bring him in because heaven wasn't ready to receive him. That's the deepest, truest answer. But neither did they want to bring him in? Somehow, as they listened to the lord Jesus Christ, and as they saw the impression that his words were having upon the crowd, and as they felt something of the power of his teaching, even the desire to bring him in began to evaporate. And so the question for tonight is, how did that happen to them?

How did these officers who as far as we can see at this point are on the side of the pharisees? We can at least say that, can't we? Look, they're working together at this point. How did these officers end up saying no 1 ever spoke the way this man does. 2 headings from the story, and then we're gonna consider some application.

Firstly, no 1 ever spoke like this man. Secondly, were you deceived by this man? Firstly, no 1 ever spoke like this man. Secondly, were you deceived by this man? And then some application.

So firstly, no 1 ever spoke like this man, and the story really gets going in verse 31. Many in the crowd believed in him, They said when the Messiah comes, will he perform more signs than this man? The varices heard the crowd whispering such things about him. Then the chief priests and the pharisees sent temple guards to arrest him. And so here in verse 32, these temple guards are sent by the religious leaders in order to arrest Jesus.

But then as the minutes turn into hours and as the hours turn into days, for some reason, they couldn't ever seem to find the right time. They couldn't seem to find the right upper tunity in order to do what they had been charged to do. In fact, it would be foolish of them. They'd probably realize. It would be foolish of them even to attempt to take Jesus Christ into custody.

Because here in Jerusalem, there are many thousands of people listening to Jesus. Some love him, some hate him, but here's the thing they have in common. They all wanna hear him. They don't want him to be taken away at the moment. Friend or foe, they're riveted to his lips.

And his teaching. Just see what buzz he had created in the passage. He's a good man. Says 1 in verse 12, No. I think he deceives people, says another inverse 13.

I think he's Amazing. Say 1 of the Jews in verse 15, but he's demon possessed. Say a gram in verse 20. Aren't they trying to kill this man? Says 1, in verse 25?

Well, I believe in him. Says another in verse 31. Where is he going? Says 1 in verse 35, what does he mean? Asks another in verse 36.

Surely, this man is a prophet, isn't he? Queries 1, in verse 40? No. He's the Messiah, isn't he? Says 1 confidently in verse 41.

And here's the summary verse 43, and it's like an understatement, really. The people were divided because of him. If you are in Jerusalem for the feast of tabernacles at this time, you are wanting to hear Jesus, whether you like what he says, whether you hate what he says, whether it's a truth teller or the arch liar, you can't get away. You want to hear him. And so do you see the only thing that would be really unpopular with everybody at the moment would be to take him off stage and out of the public light.

But look again at verse 45. The chief priest and the pharisees who asked them, why didn't you bring him in? No 1 ever spoke the way this man does. The guards replied. And so not only would it be unwise for them to arrest Jesus, there may well be a riot There's something in those words that indicates that they were personally unwilling to bring him in.

And it's worth knowing that these religious officers were not like the bouncers outside prison on a Saturday night. They were not just, hired heavies. Agency staff that were, shipped in for a night to protect the place. These officers were selected from the leadites. Which means that they were well taught, well educated religious police officers.

And doesn't that add an extra weight to their words then? No 1 ever spoke like this man and we know what we're talking about because as religious officers, we spend our days patrolling these courts and we have heard many rabbis give many sermons to many people and we are utterly convinced that this man we've just heard belongs in a category all of his own. We've never heard anyone speak like this. I mean, look at what he said verse 17. These are the words of Jesus.

Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God. No 1 and spoke like that about himself. Anyone who does the will of god, if a person wants to do the will of god, let them do it, and in doing it, they will see that I'm god's son. And I speak from god. No 1 ever spoke like that about himself.

Verse 28, you do not know the father But I know him because I'm from him, and he sent me. No 1 ever spoke like that about the father. We've never heard people speak like that about the father, that this 1 is from him. And 1 with him and is going to him, which of our prophets would even have dared to let that pass through their lips. No 1 is spoken like him.

Verse 38, here's the servant. They probably just heard, whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. No 1 ever spoke like that about salvation. No 1 has ever spoken like that. No 1 has ever made such an impassioned plea believe in me and you will be born again and the spirit of god will come to live in with you and he will transform you and your life will be rich and healthy and flowing like living water.

Who have who have we heard? Who has ever spoken like that? No 1 speaks like man. No 1. JC Ryal, old Bishop of Liverpool.

He says this, on their statement in verse 46. These officers probably meant that they had never heard anyone speak such deep and important truths in such simple and yet striking language, and in so solemn, impressive, and yet affectionate style. Above all, they probably meant that he spoke with a dignified tone of authority. As a messenger from heaven to which they were entirely unaccustomed. So look, verse 46 isn't very long, is it?

And we can't say exactly what they were feeling at the time. But it's very clear that the words of Jesus Christ had made a deep impression. On the very people that were sent to arrest him. They couldn't do the job because it would be foolish to do so, and they didn't seem to want to. Now how did their superiors react to that?

Well, secondly, were you deceived by this man? Firstly, no 1 ever spoke by this man. Secondly, were you deceived by this man. First 47, you mean he has deceived you also. The pharisees retorted have any of the rulers or of the pharisees believed in him?

No. They bark like an angry dog as you approach the front door. No. No. But this mob that knows nothing of the law.

There is a curse on in, logic and the the the rules of debating, which I I really don't know very much about. There is a phrase called ad hominem, which literally means when it's translated aimed at man, aimed at man, And the idea is that when you can't, or when you don't want to engage with another person's argument, you aim your attack at their character. You aim your attack at their personality. In other words, in an ad hominem, What you're trying to do is to discredit someone's position by discrediting them. An example would be if someone says something to you, which you don't like, but you've got no real way of arguing against.

Do you say something like, yeah, trust you to say that? Yeah, you always say stuff like that. And you say, you see what happens. You you leave aside what they've actually said and you just attack then and their character. You're not the sort of person I wanna listen to.

Well, that is the sort of argumentation that the leaders are going for here. Do you see that? They don't really engage with the words of the They just slam everybody involved. Has he deceived you? How could you vote for that?

You fell for that? Don't don't you know? This mob that knows nothing of the law, you want to be like them, you want to be like the crowd, They're just a bunch of thick headed cattle lumbering across the fields. They can only think of where their next meal is coming from and whether they need the toilet or not. That's what these people are like.

You wanna be you you wanna be like them. What on earth do they know? Is that is that you? Remember, these are the crowd that they're employed to be serving. Not a great way to be talking about your congregation.

And of course, you see behind all of those attacks is just is a is both a breath taking arrogance and a deep insecurity. Because what they're trying to do here is to humiliate these police officers by claiming that all of the intelligent and spiritual people in town reject him. And therefore, if you are now under his spell, you belong with neither the intelligent, nor the spiritual. I don't know if you remember Tim Faron. He was a a Christian politician who used to lead the Liberal Democrat Party a few years ago.

And at some point, through through his own voting records and through his, interviews, it became clear that as a Christian, he believed, in biblical 1 man, 1 woman marriage. He wasn't going to try to enforce that on everybody. Be as a politician. He didn't believe that was the right thing to do, but that was his personal conviction. And and from then on, his role as the leader of the liberal Democrats was doomed.

I was actually watching some of the old interviews that he gave at that time. And of the bits that I watched at least, it it's almost like every single time He was on the radio or on a chat show and particularly on morning TV. He he was he was grilled, not about his views on energy, not about his economic policy, not about his foreign policy, but on on what he thought about marriage and particularly and it's very crude, cruder than I actually, remembered. They want to ask him constantly about his views on gay sex. I was watching 1 interview where they asked him 4 times.

Yes, yes, but what are you saying about gay sex? What do you believe about gay sex? And this is daytime television, really, really crude. No matter what the subject was, they wouldn't let him avoid a question about gay sex. They kept asking him about that.

Now if you do remember all of you might have a, you know, a view on how the party as a whole handled that. But can you see the nature of the opposition? If you believe the teachings of Jesus or marriage, how could you have any good opinions on any subject. You can't. Your views on energy and economic policy and foreign policy are now all discredited because you are the sort of person who believes that about marriage.

You see how it goes? You you you if you believe that, it's actually not possible for you to have a good opinion on any subject. You you can't. You've been so totally deceived that we cannot listen to you on anything. And do you see that the sort of that the thrust of that in verse 47.

When the enemies of god's words can't use physical force to people believing it, they try to kill you intellectually. That's what happens. You have you you none of the spiritual people in town believe him. None of the intelligent ones believe him. You do.

That you are intellectually, spiritually discredited, and your opinions on anything can be sidelined from now on. You mean he has deceived you also, the pharisees retorted. They're like snakes, aren't they retorting and co coiling out to sit back. Have any of the rulers of the pharisees believed in him? No.

This mob and you what they're really saying. This mob and you that know nothing of the law. There was a curse on them. No 1 ever spoke like this man. 0.1.

Were you deceived by this man 0.2. And so that's really where the the sort of at least the narrative that we're looking at this evening draws to a collapse, that interaction between those 2 groups of people. But now let's ask, what are we what are we learning? From this, what are we learning from the way the pharisees reacted, and what are we learning from verse 46 and that remarkable confession from those from those offices? Well, firstly, which is actually the third point, let let us trust this man.

No 1 ever spoke like this man, were you deceived by this man? Let us trust this man. Now, as I said earlier, we're looking tonight at the gospel according priced enemies. And it's very clear that these religious leaders, these pharisees are fully paid up enemies of Christ I mean, there's no there's no shadow of a doubt, what side they're on. But the gospel according to Christ's enemies is not from them tonight.

As I said at the beginning, it's from the offices in verse 46. No 1 ever spoke like this man. But you might wonder given all that we looked at so far, is it quite fair to call them enemies just from that statement. Is it quite fair to call them enemies? I mean, how do we know that verse 46 isn't for instance, the first fruit of conversion.

How do we know they're not saying something like? No 1 ever spoke like this man, and now we want to follow this man. Could be, couldn't it? I mean, if you look at the context, certainly nicodemus, is on that kind of journey. He himself, even though he really is from among the enemies, is beginning to move toward Jesus in faith.

And repentance. So how do we how how do how do we know? Maybe? Or could it be a bit more like what we find in John chapter 12. If you just turn over a few pages to John chapter 12, and verse 42.

John 12 verse 42. Many, even among the leaders believed in him, But because of the pharisees, they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue. For they loved human praise more than praise from god. And it's interesting because when you go through John's gospel, it's not uncommon to meet these believers. People who have been affected by the teachings of Jesus Christ, people who have been impressed by his miracles And in 1 sense, people who have begun to move towards Jesus and even started to change their lives a bit, But in the end, they have not really been born again as Jesus commands we must be.

And we know that's true because there are people in exactly that category today, aren't there? There are people who come into the church and they enjoy the community, and they like to hear the teaching, and they like the songs that we sing. And they feel impressed by the words of Jesus, and they might even begin to reform their lives outwardly. But sooner or later, it becomes clear that saving repentance and saving faith. Was never really present in the heart.

Could that be the case for these guards. I think it very well could be a case for these guards. And yet still, the question is, does that, does that really make them enemies? Doesn't seem quite fair, does it? Because what they say here in verse 46 is is pretty neutral or even positive, isn't it?

No 1 ever spoke like this man. Well, let me try and illustrate this. And I I think this illustration works. I went over it with Laura a couple of times, and I'm pretty sure it works. And if it doesn't, at least, it nearly works, So you'll be able to get what I'm trying to say.

I want you to imagine, 2 countries at war who agree to meet in order to discuss reconciliation. From the first country, and we've called it sort of country over here, from the first country comes an ambassador who is so full of grace, 1 who never really wanted this war at all, but was attacked without cause and yet now is willing to forgive all and cancel all and be reconciled. If this country over here, country 2, we'll just admit that they were wrong sign on the dotted line and agree to live under the rule of country 1. Then it'll all be wonderfully over. That's the first ambassador from the first country.

But then from the second country, we have 2 ambassadors. They send 2. And this is the country which started this whole mess. And when the day of the meeting comes, these 2 men are very different. 1 of them is furious from the beginning.

He hates this country and he hates everything that it stands for. And so he goes into the room He dutifully scans the terms of reconciliation, then he rips them up, spits on the table over terms his chair and storms out. He wish he hadn't come because he hates that country and he hates that ambassador. But the second ambassador from that country is not quite like his colleague. In fact, he's rather embarrassed by the theatrics that he's just witnessed.

And so he remains in the room, and he takes a different route. He sits down at the desk, and he quietly reads through the terms of reconciliation. There are 2 copies. And very honestly, as he reads them, he's moved by them, and he's impressed by the kindness of the other country. And he actually starts to mentally agree that peace would be better than war.

He begins to imagine what a new life would look like under the rule of this first country. But then the longer he thinks about it, he starts to arm and to arm, and he wonders whether this would really be in his best interest after all. I mean, what would the neighbors think? And what might he have to give up if he did this. What might he lose if he signs this treaty?

And then he thinks actually in signing this, I would have to admit that everything that I've done is wrong. And I'm not sure it all really is. And so very politely, he decides to stand up and he walks away out of the room and very politely twist the doorknob and closes it. Now here's the question. Those 2 ambassadors from that second country, which 1 of them chooses to remain at war?

Both of them. Different personalities, different ways of showing their hostility, But in the final assessment, both do the same thing. They will not sign over their lives. And go for peace. And maybe that is what's going on here.

1 group, the pharisees are spitting bile everywhere. Very obvious to see how angry they are. They're the first ambassador. But the others moved, impressed, liked the sound of it. But nothing more.

That would fit with the sort of people we find elsewhere in John's gospel, and it's true, it's true anecdotally for lots of us here, I think of my own life before I was a Christian. I was raised in the church by 2 parents who loved the laws and still do love the laws. And they raised us to respect the church and going to church, and and and therefore there was never a point in my life. Where I would have considered myself to be an enemy of Christ. And yet throughout my teenage years, I was choosing every day to go my own way and to not follow him.

I wasn't interested in his terms of piece or admitting that I was wrong. Was I an enemy of god? No. Was I an enemy of god? Yes.

Yes. Because his terms of peace meant nothing to me. And look it might be that this evening, there is someone here who is in exactly that kind of position. You read the stuff in verse 38, and it's hard to deny the beauty of it. Come to me, drink, find living water, have your life changed, be satisfied.

Come to me, believe in me, and it moves you and you're impressed by it, and you agree you actually agree. I don't think in history, there is anyone who's spoken quite like this man. I think Jesus really does belong in a category all by himself. But the question is, do you see? Not whether his words impress you, not whether you find them powerful, but will you trust this man?

Will you trust this man? It's a different question, isn't it? It's not, do you agree that no 1 ever spoke like this man? Yes, but do you trust this man? Do you trust him?

Will you admit that you were wrong to ever opposing? And when you begin a new life under his word, or in the end will you choose to say powerful teacher? I agree. He is, but my personal savior He is not. If the temple police are thinking like that, then this really is the gospel.

According to Christ's enemies. Don't be 1 of them. Don't be 1 of them. Sign the deal with him this evening. And those of us who have Just a couple of very brief points for us to consider.

Thirdly, let us trust this man fourthly let us keep trusting this man. Let us keep trusting this man because it is possible, isn't it brothers and sisters over time to become a little bit like these guards. Almost without realizing it, we can become people who hear the words of Jesus, and we do like to do that, don't we? We like to get together and hear the words of Jesus. And they impress us, and they move us, and they challenge us from time to time.

But somehow over time, they can stop changing us as they once did. Powerful they are, but life changing somehow they stop they stop being. I love that scene in luke chapter 12, where Jesus is in the middle of a sermon. He's in the middle of teaching. He's standing up there teaching.

And this woman shouts at him. And, we're told in Luke 12 verse 27, as Jesus was saying these things, he's in the middle of a sermon, A woman in the crowd called out. Blessid is the mother. Jesus, blessed is the can I just say can I just say blessed is the mother? Who gave you birth and nursed you.

She's thinking, whoa. No 1 ever spoke like this man. Imagine being the mum who raised a profit like that. You'd be so proud of your boy, wouldn't you? You'd send 1 of those cards every year at Christmas time, which says happy Christmas, but is largely there to report on how well your children are doing.

They don't seem to come around so much anymore. But that was the purpose, wasn't it? Happy Christmas. My son just got a PhD. He's just got loads of brothers.

He said, oh, it's great. Well, that's what you that's what she's thinking. Wow. What a mom. To raise a profit like no 1 ever spoke like him, your mom deserves a lot of credit.

But what does Jesus say in verse 28? He replied, blessed, rather, are those who hear the word of god and obey it. He is not denying that Mary was blessed. But he needs to correct something there, doesn't he? The truly blessed person is not the 1 who finds me powerful or insightful, or even interesting.

The truly blessed person is the 1 who week after week takes my word as the word of god and puts it into practice. No 1 ever spoke like this man can come from unconverted lips, but I wanna put his word into practice. Those are spirit filled lips, aren't they? And that's what we want, isn't it? To be those who trust him, but go on trusting him.

And therefore, I guess that it would be true for nearly all of us in this room that when we gather like this, We don't just wanna be sermon samplers to eat. We don't wanna be those who gather morning and evening, and we sample the sermon. And we decide which words are powerful and which aren't, and we're impressed by certain illustrations and not by others. Or we go to the midweek bible study and we agree it's challenging, but we don't allow it to register in our in our hearts. No 1 ever spoke like this man.

Yes, but will we keep trusting this man? Will we keep trusting this man? And lastly, let us proclaim this man. Let us trust this man, let us keep trusting this man let us proclaim this man because whatever the spiritual condition of these officers, verse 46, is gloriously true, and it has proved to be true for the last 20 centuries. And so with god's help, let us keep proclaiming the words of Jesus Christ because nobody ever has spoken like our savior.

And let's speak his word out with confidence because that's true, isn't it? You think, you know, which philosopher which philosopher for all of their investigations into the human condition. And for all of their meditating upon the mystery of existence, which philosopher has ever spoken like this man or which biologist for all of their hours in the laboratory And for all of their careful analysis, has ever spoken truth about humans like this or which celebrity for all of their fame and fortune has ever captivated the human mind. Like this man, or which prophet for all of their teachings and religion, has had the appeal and the fascination of this man, our man Jesus Christ. I mean, Mohammed is certainly famous in 1 sense, but if you actually try to try to find Firstly, impossible.

And secondly, what you do discover can never compare or come close to the beauty and the kindness and the holiness and the magnetism of the lord Jesus Christ. Which modern guru or podcast is going to stand for 20 centuries Think of it and not only stand but heal broken lives and redeem lost sinners and give people joy where they had none, which podcast today will be doing that in 20 centuries time. No 1 ever spoke like this man. Do you see the confidence that we can have as we share the words of the only man who is both truly man and truly god. I don't know exactly what the hearts of these guards were like, but we really can make verse 46 our boast, can't we?

No 1 ever spoke like this man. Christian, do you believe it? Do you believe it? No 1 ever spoke like this man, then trust that man, and keep trusting that man, and let us together proclaim that man Let's play. Heavenly father, we thank you that you so loved the world, that you gave us your 1 and only son and what a gift he is We thank you for his words, and they are truly wonderful.

They are truly unmatched in all of human history, and no other man or woman set to come will ever be able to speak in a way that compares with him. No 1 ever spoke like this man. And yet lord Jesus, we are sorry that these words very often do impress us. We find them powerful, and yet we can be resistant to changing in light of these words. And so we pray that you'd help us not just to say good things about the power of Jesus, but that we would really trust in this man and that we would go on trusting this man, our savior.

And we pray that you give us opportunities thank you for the opportunities you do give us week by week across all our youth and children's ministry and our international in our bible studies in all all the ways and opportunities we have already been given to speak out the words of this man, help us to keep doing it with confidence. Lord, we've got nothing to be ashamed of. We've got nothing to shy away from. These words are unparalleled. They're amazing.

There are no other words like the words of our savior. And so we pray that you'd help us to keep sharing them for the glory of Jesus in his name we pray, amen.

Preached by Tom Sweatman
Tom Sweatman photo

Tom is an Assistant Pastor at Cornerstone and lives in Kingston with his wife Laura and their two children.

Contact us if you have any questions.

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