Sermon – On the Journey to Faith (Mark 24:13 – 24:35) – Cornerstone Church Kingston
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On the Journey to Faith

Rory Kinnaird, Mark 24:13 - 24:35, 1 November 2020

Rory continues the story of Jesus resurrection and appearance to his disciples in Luke 24:13-35. This passage tells of Jesus' appearance to two of his disciples on the way to a town called Emmaus. We see that the opening of the disciples' eyes not only filled them with joy but encouraged them to go and tell about the good news!

Mark 24:13 - 24:35

13 And they went back and told the rest, but they did not believe them.

14 Afterward he appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at table, and he rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen. 15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

19 So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.]]


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Okay. Let's – we're going to turn to our reading. So Luke 24 is going to begin at verse 13. Now that same day, 2 of them were going to a village called Ameyas about 7 miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened.

As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them, but they were kept from recognizing him. He asked them What are you discussing together as you walk along? They stood still, their faces, downcast. 1 of them named Cleapas asked him, are you the only 1 visiting Jerusalem? Would you not know the things that have happened there in these days?

What things he asked? About Jesus of Nazareth, they replied, he was a prophet, powerful in word, indeed, before God and all the people The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death and they crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the 1 who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more it is the third day since all this took place. In addition, some of our women amazed us.

They went to the tomb early this morning but didn't find his body. They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive. Then some of our companions went to the tomb, and they found it just as the women had said, but they did not see Jesus. He said to them, How foolish you are and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?

And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself. As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going further, but they urged him strongly stay with us. For it is nearly evening, the day is almost over. So we went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, He took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and began to give it to them.

Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road, and opened the scriptures to us, they got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the 11 and those with them assembled together and saying it is true. The Lord has written and has appeared to Simon. Then the 2 told what had happened on the way and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.

Brilliant. Right. Let's pray, and then we'll get into this. Father, we thank you so much for this wonderful book of Luke. And we thank you that it reveals to us the Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray father that, as we consider him now, that we will be bowled over with amazement. Father, we pray, that we will see anew tonight, the risen Lord Jesus Christ. And we pray father that that will stir up our affections, that we may wanna love you more that we may want to tell of you more, that we may want to live for you more, and so pray this in Jesus' name, amen. Now, if you know anything about me and and my wife, Jerusalem, you you may know that we love to watch people. I'm I'm I'm a big fan of people watching, and I know that some people might find that, like, a bit creepy that you just kinda stare at people and just sort of hope that they don't look back at you.

But I I think it's I I mean, I find it very interesting. I I I think that just by looking at someone from a distance, you can tell a lot about that person. Right? 1 of our favorite things is to sit down by Kingston River, and I just like to watch people's gates. Or sorry.

I love the word gate now as well. It's kind of new word I learned, so I like to throw it in there now and then. But the way they walk I find is extremely interesting whether it's kinda got a bit of box to it or a or is it a kind of a trudge thing. And I think by looking at people's walks, by by observing their faces, By seeing how they talk with people that they may be walking with, you can tell quite a lot about people. I think that's exactly what we see in the passage before us tonight.

You can tell when someone is sad. You can tell when someone's despairing when they're depressed, can't you? They kinda got that trudging, shoulders slumped, head bowed, murmuring muttering. And then, on the other side, though, when someone's very happy, they look like a world beater, their chest is puffed out, they're smiling from being able to hear anyone You know? They're chirping away.

It's interesting. We can see a lot by the body language, and it's exactly what we see tonight. I love it when you see the transformation. Someone can look like a whole different person just by the walk and the way they talk and and it might be the same person, but because of what's happened, and because of what they've encountered, and because of news they get, it's very different. The transformation in this story is stark.

Now, we left last week, if if you heard Ben Ben Sem. We left these women who who They just got to the tomb. They found it empty. They had an encounter with these angels who who have confessed or have declared that the Lord Jesus is risen. And then we saw Peter himself go to the tomb, find an empty bar the linen, which we found was very important.

But the interesting thing was I thought was interesting was when those women went back to the disciples and went back to those who would follow Jesus, and they reported everything that they had seen and heard. They did not respond in a way that we would want them to. They did not respond in a way that says, oh, great Jesus has risen. They think Ben's words would actually They saw what they were saying as nonsense. They It was just too too out there, too beyond the realms of possibility for them to to even accept that, that that that report.

They just couldn't comprehend that Jesus could be risen. And so that that seems certainly true for these 2 companions who are walking on the road to Mayers tonight. So see with me firstly, journey 1, part 1. We've got 2 journeys, and the the first journeys broke up into 2 parts. So journey 1, part 1, Burdened hearts and blind eyes, burdened hearts and blind eyes.

So look with me at verse 13 to verse 18. Now, that same day, 2 of them were going to a village called Mayis, about 7 miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them, but they were kept from recognizing him. He asked them, What are you discussing together as you walk along?

They stood still, the faces downcast. 1 of them named Cleapas asked him, are you the only 1 visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days? So here we have, we pick up the story, these 2 companions walking from Jerusalem to emmaus, which we see is a 7 mile trip. So it's not not a short walk. And it becomes apparent that as you kind of as you listen to their conversation.

As you observe the way they walk, as you as you look into their eyes, you see that here we have a very, very unhappy couple. You see that in verse 17, they stood still. Their face is downcast. A proper eeyore's here, if you like winnie the pooh. Verse 21.

Why are they so down cast because they had hoped that Jesus was gonna be the 1 to redeem Israel. So here we have 2 people, downcast, hopes are dashed. They're a very, very gloomy pair. And the reason why they're downcast. The reason why they're just so sad is because they have misunderstood who Jesus is.

They have misunderstood what Jesus mission was or what Jesus' mission looked like. They, like the majority of people who encountered Jesus and saw all the amazing things he did, heard all the amazing words that he said. They like all of those people got really excited because he looks amazing as Jesus. And as soon as he hangs upon a cross, their hopes, their dreams, their fantasies come crashing down. They've come across this Jesus, and they have so many misconceptions.

They think this is a Jesus who will liberate them that will bring freedom for them as a as a people that will bring freedom from gentile rule that will bring in back to Israel, the former glory that Israel used to have with a great king, a great leader. And so as they see on a dark Hill. This man that they pinned the hopes on as he as he hangs, slain on a cross. It all comes crashing down. And so these 2 people are depressed and they're despairing.

And so it's into this atmosphere. Maybe Jesus had been observing them like I do. As he sees them walking along as he sees them, he says, I'm gonna join those 2. And he kind of just sidles up to them. Sort of starts walking along with them.

But verse 16 tells us that they're kept from recognizing him. See, the eyes are blinded to who Jesus is. They're their hearts are burdened their way down. I think the reason that they're kept from recognizing Jesus is actually, he he he wants them to understand everything before he reveals who he is. He wants them to get to a point where they're like, whoa, yeah.

This isn't all bad news. And so verse 17, he comes and says, What are you discussing together as you walk along? And verse 18, clear your passive's answer reveals to us that He's kinda like I mean, where have you been? I mean, this is like today me going around going, why is everyone like, you know, sitting in the homes locked up? I mean, all like all like a few months ago, like, what's everyone talking Why is everyone waving British flags and European flags?

What's going on? Yeah? I mean, you you cannot have been in Jerusalem and not known what's going on here. It's pretty it's pretty obvious to everyone. And so ClearPass is like, are you create?

Well, I mean, what world are you living in? Stranger? Is your head buried in the sand? Verse 18, do you see? Are you the only 1 visiting Jerusalem?

Who does not know the things that have happened there in these days? The thing, the little little does this man know. Little does he know that actually he's talking to the 1 who knows exactly what was going on. And he knows nothing That's the beautiful thing about that. Now, Jesus, I I I mean, I don't know if if you were Jesus what you would do.

I mean, I think I'd be like, well, actually I do know because it's me, but but it doesn't do that. In fact, he he he he's just such an amazing teacher, Jesus. This is a classic teacher tactic. He plays dumb. What things?

What's going on? What things, he says in verse 19? And then look at the details that they replied with, about Jesus of Nazareth, they replied. He was a prophet in verse 19, powerful and word, indeed, before God, and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death and they crucified him, but we had hoped that he was the 1 who was going to redeem Israel.

And what is more it is the third day since all this took place. In addition, some of our women amazed us. They went to the tomb early this morning, but didn't find his body they came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive. Then some of our companions went to the tomb, and found it just as the women had said, but they did not see Jesus. It's quite an amazing account right there, no?

I mean, it that's that's that's like a pretty good gospel account of what's of what you need to know. That's good news right there as far as I can see. Coming from my perspective as a Christian. I mean, you look at it, it's got his life. He was powerful and word, indeed.

Did it he did it all. He said it all. He was 1 with authority, they say. He he was given over to be crucified, a crucified by Jesus dying to save us, and we even have an empty tomb on the third day. Amazing.

What are you so sad about companions? Why? Is this such a sad moment for them? Because they don't believe the women. They don't believe the words of Jesus, as we saw last time, if you look, just flick back to 18 31, he says, I'm going to die, I'm going to rise on the third day.

They don't even believe the old testament that I imagine because they're a Jewish audience, they would have just known the whole thing, but they don't believe it. And so, because they haven't believed any of these 3 elements, there's no joy. Because this resurrection Because this report of resurrection from these women is far too good to be true, they cannot accept it. And so, for them, Christ is not risen. Christ is not risen.

It is not a reality for these 2 people as they walk on the road to emmaus. They do not know the risen lord Jesus. They cannot accept it, and the result is a very gloomy 1 indeed. And this is what is true then, and it's what is true today. Without a right view of Jesus, the risen Lord, Jesus.

You have an incredibly helpless, hopeless, despairing, downcast picture. Without arisen Jesus, this world is a depressing place. Without a true understanding of who he is and what he came to do, it is rubbish. You look at this world. You look at just the news.

How depressing is it? A second lockdown. And without a risen Jesus, that is depressing news. It is frustrating, it is disappointing, it is worrying. Not not seeing that those things aren't worrying and distressing as Christians, but with the risen Jesus, it changes everything.

See, you can know all the information about Jesus. You can know all the stories You can know your bible back to front, you can know your old testament. I imagine these 2 men, these 2 people would have certainly known theirs. But if we don't fully comprehend the risen, glorious lord Jesus, as a reality, then there is a very dark world indeed. If if Jesus is nothing but a means to my ends, If Jesus is just, like, meant to be a a physical someone to get rid of all powers that I don't like or or Jesus is just someone who should give me the things that I want in this life, whether that's, I don't know, a family or or career or or the the young people watching the back of it the grades that you want or a friendship group.

But he's not there to be the risen lord Jesus, then it is a dark place. And so they've got birds and hearts, and they've got blind eyes. But secondly, journey 1 part 2, we've got burning hearts and believing guys. We've gone from burdened hearts and blind eyes. Now, we have burning hearts and believing guys.

So it is at this point that Jesus intervenes. Look it down with with me at verse 25, to 32. He said to them how foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory? I'm beginning with Moses and all the prophets He explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself.

As he approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going further but they urged him strongly, stay with us for this nearly evening. The day is almost over. So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and began to give it to them. Then there eyes were opened and they recognized him, and they disappeared from their sight.

They asked each other, were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us. See, it's here, As as they've been faced with a depressing gloomy picture that Jesus says, right, that's it. We're gonna change what you perceive to be bad news I'm gonna show you why it's great news. I love verse 25. You're so foolish.

It's not like cutting them down, but it's like, come on. Why are you so slow to believe? See, if only you hadn't been all about your own plans, if only you hadn't been about what you thought the Messiah should be like. If only you didn't just pick and choose the the parts of the bible that you wanted to be true, If only you didn't pick and choose the words and the actions that I did, if only you'd listened, If only you'd listen to the women, if only you'd listen to my words, if only you'd listened to the scriptures, That's what he's saying, verse 26 to 27. In fact, he said it in verse 25, all the prophets Did he not have to suffer and then enter his glory?

And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself. Not picking and choosing, all of it. And then I think he I think I mean Jesus brings them into what has to be the greatest bible study that has ever been experienced. I mean, this home group does not even compare, because the the master brings him into an awesome, awesome walk through scriptures. It would have been amazing.

You can imagine it He said, let's start with Moses, the whole of, you know, Genesis, serpent crusher. Yeah? Let's start with that. Yeah. He'll strike the heel, but I'll crush his head, the suffering before the glory.

He probably went to the patriarchs Abraham Isaac, Israel, all showing how it points to him, the promises that are given to these men are found in fulfillment in Christ. He probably goes to Joseph, who says, you you brothers meant for me harm, but God meant it for his goods. He probably went to the to the exodus, where there was a journey from from slavery to to to the promised land from from a hanging snake that was a curse. And said, look at that curse that people had to look to, and they had life. And, look, what is the cross about.

It's about cursed, but there is life in that. And then he probably went to the sacrificial System where he says, look, the people had to sacrifice The animal, why? So that they could have atonement. They could be at 1 with God. And then, he went to the kings.

Look at David. Well, look, who is the promised Davidic King, it's gotta be me. And then he might have gone to Psalm 22. He said, look, my God, my God, have you forsaken me? What did I say on the cross?

And then, maybe he went to Isaiah of this I mean, I guess this is probably the speed he was going at as well. Isaiah 53. Yeah? Look at this suffering servant. By his stripes, we are healed.

He suffers for our transgressions. He might have gone to Daniel where they see a son of man, 1 who comes riding on the clouds, victorious. And here he's saying, oh, my goodness. What a I mean, I'm getting excited just thinking about my own imagination of this. He says, all of that is pointing to me.

He's pointing to Christ. It's pointing to the Messiah, it's pointing to this suffering servant, 1 who has got to go through the pain, who's got to go through the ordeal, so that there can be glory afterwards. So that not only am I going to be the Savior, but I can be the lord of all. I mean, that's 1 of the beautiful things about Philippians too. It it shows this this this journey that Christ goes on where he's He's at the lowest of the low as he hangs upon the cross.

But where does he end up? He's at the heights the best position ever where every tongue will confess and every knee will bow, that he is lord of all. The 1 is in control. The 1 that has made all that the Bible promises possible. The 1 that guarantees an eternity with him, the 1 who guarantees a family, the 1 who guarantees a sovereignty.

And grace, and a life insecure, loving relationship with the father. And he's saying the crucifixion or part of the plan. The resurrection part of the plan. And you can imagine, as they as they walk on this, on this journey to emmaus, there is something stirring in these 2 heart. Do you see that?

And you look down at verse 32 after Jesus disappears. Were not our hearts burning within us, while he talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us. See, as Christ opens up the words, as he reveals what Scripture is, Even though they don't know this is Jesus, as he as he shows the glorious truths of Scripture, they're overjoyed. There's there's something inside that is stirring up. They're excited.

They're like, what next Jesus And what about this? And what what do you think about, you know, Jeremiah, maybe they are asking. And then suddenly, they're at emmaus. The journey stops. Jesus goes to go on.

But no, they don't want this 1 to leave. And so they strongly urge them, and this is what a burning heart should do. A burning hearts should end up inviting the Lord Jesus in. And so he goes in, he stays with them, acts as host in verse 30. And then it's at this moment, he takes bread, he gives thanks for it.

He breaks it and he hands it to these 2. And it's at that moment, they're like, whoa. Jesus. Why didn't we notice before? Jesus.

Verse 31, their eyes were opened, and they recognized Jesus. Now, we don't know why I'm not 100 percent sure why they recognize him at this. Maybe they they were taken back to the feeling of the 5000 or the the the feeling of the 4000, or maybe they they'd heard about the last supper. Maybe as Jesus broke that bread, they saw the nail marks in his hands, and they were like, oh, it's Jesus. But what we do now is that it's this moment they recognize.

They've realized that the They've realized the good news that Jesus had to rise from the dead now. And now they they they recognize who he is. So, when the word of God is opened, When when we come around his word, when you open it maybe on a daily basis, when you hear it preached from the front, It should do something. It should do something. It should stir up our affections.

Just as it does here, it should it should make cause our hearts to burn. It should give us a heart of overflowing joy and and love of the Lord Jesus as we read in Scripture. As we look at the stories both old and new and we see Christ revealed, that should do something for us. We shouldn't we shouldn't be numb. We shouldn't Just be cold to God's word so often.

Why? When I open his words, I just don't read it properly. And I'm I'm not stirred. It's just an exercise. But but here, if I'm truly reading it, then my heart should burn.

My affection should be stirred up, not just in the new testament either. I mean, Christ is talking about the old testament here. It's 1 of the reasons that I love contagious. Contagious is the the bible company that we go on every year, quite a few of us lead on that a lot of the young people at the back go go along to it. But we can look at books like Levicticus.

And we can look at books like Song of songs. And kids, at the end of the week, it's 1 of the most beautiful, glorious times of the week because they respond to what they've heard. But they're not going, oh, I'm just so glad I now understand what the fellowship offering's about. No. They they show that because they go, This week I fell more in love with the Lord Jesus Christ.

My affection to a stirred up. This week I saw how sinful I was, but how great the Lord Jesus Christ is. So how we come into scripture Are we coming just to comment on the speaker, maybe for an intellectual exercise, or are we coming ready to hear and have our affection stirred up, we should pray that it is the latter. Lastly, and more briefly, famous last words. Do you need to bounce him back to Jerusalem?

I got carried away with the b, so I needed to bounce him back. To be honest, I mean, verse 33 to 35. They're not trudging anymore. This is the transformation that we talked about at the start. They are not You know, they're not faffing around here.

There is absolutely no delay that on the feet, 7 miles, no problem. Let's get back to Jerusalem. Yeah. They're not going all well. Well, it's been a long day.

We should wait another 24 hours. We'll get all, you know, rest up, you know, have a little bit of and we'll go back and we'll we'll turn. No. They're off. They're they're they're not trudging, they're practically dancing down the road, You can imagine as they as they as they maybe they're probably running or or I don't know.

But I would be like this probably. How we how we tell him? How we tell him? Well, maybe we should go first with how we were all down in the dumps, and then Jesus goes, okay, well, maybe we should work. And then they get there, And they get to Jerusalem, and they can't believe I can imagine they're they're a little bit disappointed, maybe they were.

I didn't notice this until I listened to a sermon before, They get there, they find the 11 and those with them assembled together, and they were already saying, it is true. The Lord has risen and has appeared to sign, and they must have went, of stole our thunder. But if they were disappointed, I don't think it lasted long. And they were able to retell this incredible story of the Lord Jesus Christ's journey with them and there's meal with them in verse 35. But that's what a burning heart should do.

It's it's not it's not when we we don't just see the Lord Jesus. We don't just encounter him in Scripture. We don't just go, oh, well, that is lovely, I feel. A lovely fuzzy feeling inside of my heart, and I'm fluttering in my stomach. But leave it there That's that's that's not what they do.

It's not like, oh, well, that's great. I'll sit on this 1 for a couple of days, and then maybe I'll start talking about it. They don't do that either. No. As soon They've had the burning hearts.

They've realized that Jesus was there and it's straight away. The heart doesn't just burn. The heart burns so that there is now an urgency to tell people, to speak out, to tell to encourage God's people. And so they go and spread this good news of a risen savior. They go and say, look, the resurrected redeemer, the 1 who said he would buy us back and and give us salvation.

Well, that is true, not how we thought, but so much better. They go back, and they go, there is a living lord. They cannot contain themselves. They cannot suppress this great news. So Lockdown 2 is coming, and we're all very depressed about it.

So how will you encounter the Lord Jesus? The risen Lord Jesus as it approaches. How will you, as you encounter him, How will you use that? How will you, as your heart burns and your affections are stirred up, how will you encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ? We can either see this and go, oh, well, I'm depressed.

I can't do all the things that I wanted to do. Or we can see this as The risen Lord Jesus is in control. He's risen. He's got me securely, He has a future for me. He loves me.

How may I use this now to encourage you? Where are you in this story? What part of the journey are you at? Are you there at the start, despairing depressed? Or may I encourage you to open scripture, to listen to scripture, to hear Christ, to encounter his beauty.

I was talking to my dad this week. And 1 of the things that the puritans used to talk about, I think Jonathan Edwards as well, if anyone's famous with him, not the triple jump theologium much better. 1 of the things he wanted to preach was the beauty of Christ. If you're despairing, can I encourage you to look to Christ and see how beautiful he is? Listen to him, listen to his words, listen to his words of comfort.

In Luke, he's been called the consolation of Israel, listen to his words of comfort, listen to the truths of him. And then as you listen, your heart will begin to burn, and your affections will be stirred up. But don't leave it there. Get back on the roads, travel those 7 miles down the road, whatever that is metaphorically for you, and share and encourage and point other people to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let me pray.

Father, we thank you for this wonderful story of emmaus. And we pray that we will see just how glorious the resurrected lord Jesus is. Father, will you stir up in those affections for you? Help us to cast aside the the things of this world and help us just to be so taken up with you. And as our affections are stirred, may we be heralds.

May we'll be speakers of this glorious news of a risen lord Jesus Christ, and we pray this in his name,

Preached by Rory Kinnaird
Rory Kinnaird photo

Rory is a trainee pastor at Cornerstone and oversees our Youth Work with his wife Jerusha who is also a youth leader.

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