Media Fast - Cornerstone Church Kingston
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What's on

Media Fast

Each year in February we take five days out of watching and listening to secular media. This means turning off the TV, radio, computer games, and all social media. Instead, we replace the time with Bible reading, prayer and other Christian literature or podcasts.

There is also plenty opportunity to spend time with other church members. Meet at breakfast, lunch or dinner to chat, read and pray together. In 2025, our Media Fast Bible readings will focus on Ezekiel.



Introduction to Ezekiel

Watch this video for a useful summary of the book of Ezekiel.

Choose a few questions to discuss:
Most of these questions are based on questions the Bible asks (see reference in brackets).

1) What strikes you? What questions does this passage raise?
2) What dangers / warnings / sins are there? (1 Corinthians 10:11)
3) What do you learn about God – Father / Son / Holy Spirit?
4) How is Jesus previewed / revealed (Luke 24:27)
5) How are you corrected and rebuked? (2 Timothy 3:16)
6) How are you encouraged to endure? (Romans 15:4)
7) What do you learn about doing works of service and building up the church? (Ephesians 4:11)
8) What do you learn about loving God? (Mark 12:29-30)
9) What do you learn about loving your neighbour as yourself? (Mark 12:31)
10) How do you feel you need to change to be a man / woman of God? (2 Timothy 3:15-16)

Prayer Points

Our Mission Partners

Taras & Yulia, Poland
Rob & Hannah, Becontree Church
Insight Schools Ministry
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Recommended Books

Here are a few book recommendations that you could read this week:

  1. The Glory of Grace – Lewis Allen & Tim Chester
    An Introduction to the Puritans in their own words
  2. Enjoy your prayer life – Mike Reeves 
    Prayer doesn’t have to be a duty to be performed, but is a gift to be enjoyed
  3. The Lord of Psalm 23 – David Gibson 
    Expository study of Psalm 23 revealing the beauty and deep theological meaning behind a familiar part of Scripture.
  4. 12 Ways your Phone is Changing You – Tony Reinke
    Cultivate wise thinking and healthy habits in the digital age.
  5. Do great things for God series for kids 
    Inspiring biographies for young children
    By exploring the lives of faithful Christians, this series shows kids that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Media Fast for Kids

Download a PDF of recommended Christian media for kids to enjoy during the media fast.

Recommended Music

For Kids: The Gospel Coalition have a set Sunday Morning Songs For Kids playlist available on Spotify or Apple Music.

For Everyone: Listen to our curated playlist for the 2025 Media Fast based on the themes of Ezekiel. You can also listen back to the Revive 2024 playlist which features many of the songs we sing at Cornerstone.

All podcasts

We could talk forever on the goodness of God and the amazing truths in the Bible. Our podcasts have been created to encourage Christians in their faith, discuss some of the big questions facing our culture today and build up our church family in practical ways.

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