Christmas Poem - Cornerstone Church Kingston
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Christmas Poem

December 13, 2018

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“Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.”
A familiar carol we hear every year
Along with the shops selling bright festive cheer.
Seasonal bargains, nativity plays.
This babe in the manger? Is this how he stays?

Perpetually tiny, defenceless and weak?
Or perhaps he grew up to be mild and meek?
The reason we celebrate Christmas at all,
Begins with that newborn asleep in the stall.

‘Cos we’re happy to take the good gifts that God brings;
But we don’t want the bringer, we just want the things.
Santa steps forward on one day a year;
But Jesus came down to bring more than good cheer.

We needed a rescuer big, brave and strong!
A babe in a stable? They must have this wrong!
But he that seemed weakest was strongest of all,
And he offers forgiveness, if we’d heed his call.
The babe in the manger? He didn’t stay there.
He grew up to manhood, the world’s sin to bear.
From rough wooden feed trough, to stark wooden tree;
Dying for sinners like you and like me.
Rising again, bringing truth, love and light;
And the rescue began on that first Christmas night.

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” (John 12 v 46.)

By Rose Marmion
Rose is married to Steve and they have 3 children. Rose helps in various ministries within the church and enjoys writing poetry, when she has the time!