2 Metre Monster Mash Bash - Cornerstone Church Kingston
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2 Metre Monster Mash Bash

October 27, 2020

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The sun was going down…

We hope you enjoyed the 2 Metre Monster Mash Bash!

Re-watch the story of Jesus calming the storm and rescuing the man below, or scroll to the bottom of the page to see our Christmas plans.

2 Metre Christmas Plans 🎄

Come back to the Cornerstone Hub throughout December and watch the real Christmas story unfold on our giant outdoor advent calendar!

To learn more about the story keep a look out for our short, family-friendly videos which will be available here on this website 👀.

We would also love you to join us for a live, Covid-safe carol service on the 20th of December, 4.30pm at Tiffin School (outdoors, main car park). There will be plenty of Christmas festivities to enjoy, including singing along to your favourite carols and learning more about the true message of Christmas 🎶.

Happy Christmas!
