A church needs financial backing just like any other organisation or project does, but as we are not a business we rely solely on the free offerings of others.
To function as a church we need money: we employ Pastors who we desperately need to feed us from God’s Word in order that we continue living as Christians; we rent Tiffin School each Sunday from where we hold our church services; we run events which can include buying food, printing fliers and other things to get people along to and tell them the gospel.
We only ask our regular church members to give money towards our church work. We don’t have a collection during services because we do not want to ask newcomers or visitors for money.
You can give to Cornerstone church in the following ways. Please also Gift Aid your support if you can.
1. Regular Standing Order via online or mobile banking, using the details below.
Recipient/payee: The Co-Mission Churches Trust *
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00088642
Reference: Your full name
* When making a donation via online banking or cheque, please use ‘The Co-Mission Churches Trust’ (our charity name) as the beneficiary (recipient) name. Rest assured, the whole of your donation and any associated Gift Aid will still go directly to Cornerstone’s separate bank account, but the new Confirmation of Payee banking requirements mean that if you enter ‘Cornerstone’ as the beneficiary name, you may encounter error messages.
This is the church’s preferred giving method as standing orders help the church to budget and plan for the future.
2. One-off, direct bank payment.
You can also use your mobile or online banking to make a one-off donation. Please use the bank details above to make your payment.
3. Cheque or Charity Voucher (e.g. Stewardship or CAF voucher).
Please make these payable to ‘Cornerstone Church’ and either hand them to Phil Cooper or send them to:
The Co-Mission Churches Trust
577 Kingston Road,
SW20 8SA
4. Payroll Giving Scheme.
You can give through your workplace’s payroll giving scheme if they have one. Your employer may even top up or match the support their employees give through the scheme.
To support Cornerstone through one of these schemes, you will need the charity details shown at the bottom of this page.
5. Credit Card.
You can make a secure online gift by credit or debit card on the CMCT website.
Are you paying income tax or capital gains tax this tax year? If so, please gift aid your donation if you can!
By filling out a Gift Aid Declaration form, you enable Cornerstone to reclaim the basic rate of tax on the value of your donations, meaning they are worth an extra 25% to the church at no extra cost to you!
Please speak to Phil Cooper if you have any questions.
Cornerstone Church is resourced through the Co-Mission Churches Trust, a registered charity (no. 1139922) and limited company in England and Wales (no. 7496944) whose registered office is at 577 Kingston Road, Raynes Park, London, SW20 8SA.
Canbury Park Church Trust is a registered charity (no. 1146287) in England and Wales.